Flatheads Shoes: How They Stole the Show on Shark Tank

Last updated on March 21, 2024

Flatheads Shoes made waves when featured on the hit TV show Shark Tank, attracting sharks and viewers with their unique and fashionable footwear. The brand, known for its original designs and attention to quality, immediately became a fan favourite, offering a selection of sneakers that combine nostalgic elegance with modern comfort.

One of the distinguishing qualities of Flatheads Shoes is their focus on flat soles, which provide a more natural and pleasant feeling than regular sneakers. This design philosophy, paired with their eye-catching throwback designs, separates them from other footwear manufacturers.

Flatheads Shoes Shark Tank Journey : 

Flatheads Shoes

When Flatheads Shoes entered Shark Tank, they were looking for funding of 75 lakhs for 3% of Equity to expand their business and bring their sneakers to a larger audience. The sharks were pleased not only by the shoes’ quality and style but also by the brand’s dedicated founders, who shared their vision for the future of footwear.

During the pitch, the founders of Flatheads Shoes showed their line of sneakers, highlighting the comfort, durability, and style that differentiates them. The sharks were quick to realize the brand’s potential, 

Aman Gupta, cofounder and CMO of the electronics business boAt stated that his fundamentals were not in place and declined to invest in the company with others. 

However, Peyush Bansal, CEO of Lenskart, and Vineeta Singh, CEO of SUGAR, extended an offer. 75 lakhs for 33.3% of Equity after discusing with the cofounder Balakrishnan refused, saying he wanted to reconsider his actions.

Balakrishnan pitched his company to the sharks. However, he broke down in the middle of the pitch and admitted that he would have to close the business down if he could not get the funds as the runaway cash was almost over.

Flatheads Shoes

Anupam Mittal offered a job to the founder of Flatheads Shoes, advising him to learn under his guidance, and after that if you think it’s time to restart your company again we will do it together.

There are no words to express the courage, clarity, and ethics of the entrepreneur who, in the spotlight of 14 cameras, decides to put his family’s needs over pursuing his ambition, Vineeta Singh tweeted.

It takes guts to turn down a wonderful financial opportunity on national television to restart and reconsider. I hope he’s on to something big soon. Massive respect, and he’ll be returning with a boom, Aman Gupta said on LinkedIn.

Balakrishnan became an overnight sensation when the program was broadcast and received a wave of support. In an interview with Bhavya Kaushal, Senior Editor for Business Today, he disclosed that Flatheads is already operational and that he has other interesting projects in progress.

Flatheads Shoes has Employed Several Effective Marketing Strategies.

1) Unique Product Positioning:  

Flathead Shoes set itself apart from the competition by providing shoes that combine retro style with current comfort and durability. This unique selling point enabled them to stand out in an overcrowded market.

2) Influencer Partnerships:

Flatheads Shoes worked with influencers and celebrities who connect with their target demographic. These influencers helped promote the business and generate talk about their products, resulting in a larger audience and more sales.

3) Social Media Marketing: 

Flatheads Shoes has an important presence on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. They use these channels to promote their latest designs, interact with customers, and run targeted advertising campaigns to reach their target audience. Businesses usually use Social media marketing to grow their brands. You can do it, too with the help of the Best Social Media Marketing Agency.

4) Content Marketing:

Flatheads Shoes produces requiring material, such as blog entries, films, and infographics, to educate and entertain their target audience. This content promotes brand awareness, credibility, and traffic to their website.

5) Community Building:

Flatheads Shoes has a large following of loyal customers and brand leaders. They connect with their community via social media, events, and other methods, building a sense of community and loyalty in their clients.


After coming on the Shark Tank, India Flatheads Shoes has increased brand visibility and customer engagement and fostered a strong sense of loyalty among its customer base. Flatheads Shoes must continue being creative and adapting to evolving market conditions to safeguard its current momentum and future success.

March 21, 2024